The Myth of Low Wattage Melting Tanks: When you turn on your candle wax melting tank to melt your wax, you need the heat from the melter to be disbursed through the wax in order to melt it. Our melters generally melt all wax within 45 minutes to 1 hour or so, unlike other melters which take 2-3 hours and in some cases 6-8 hours to melt your candle wax.
Kilowatt Hours: To calculate Watts used, you have to calculate the Watts multiplied by the amount of time it takes to melt your wax to calculate true energy costs. Also, the longer a melter takes to melt your wax, then the greater the heat loss which occurs to the ambient air temperature. In short, our melters generally take 1 hour to melt your wax, but if a lower watt melter took 3 hours to melt wax, then it would actually consume more than 3 times the regular wattage.
More Energy Efficient Than Most Hair Dryers: With our careful design, materials and evenly heating melting tank, most of our melters use less Wattage than most hair dryers.
Heat Conducting Tanks: WaxMelters exclusive proprietary inner melting tank surfaces and even, consistent heating, disburse the heat evenly to melt your candle waxes most efficiently. Other tanks use air (convection), do not heat as evenly or use lesser quality materials which regardless of Wattage, do not disburse heat efficiently.
Save on Labor Hours: The longer you have to wait for your wax to melt, the more time and money you waste waiting. Also, with our rounded tanks with Wax Melter's exclusive proprietory surface, cleaning is much easier and faster which saves you more time and money.
Lower Wattage heating elements cost less than higher wattage elements which is why our competitors use them.
Bottom Line: If lower wattage heating elements were good for candle making, we would use them in our melting tanks. So the next time someone tells you their wax melter is energy efficient, ask them how long it takes to melt a batch of wax and you'll have your answer.